A and B sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 3 : 2 decide to admit C for 1/3rd share. On this date, their Balance Sheet disclosed the following items:
Investment Fluctuation Reserve 40,000
Investments (at cost) 3,00,000
Show the accounting treatment in the following cases: Case (i) If the market value of investments is ₹ 2,90,000 Case (ii) If the market value of investments is ₹ 2,45,000 Case (iii) If the market value of investments is ₹ 3,00,000 Case (iv) If the market value of investments is ₹ 3,25,000 [Ans. Case (i) Capital Accounts of A and B credited by ₹ 30,000 in 3 : 2. Case (ii) Capital Accounts of A and B debited by ₹ 15,000 in 3 : 2. Case (iii) Capital Accounts of A and B credited by ₹ 40,000 in 3 : 2. Case (iv) Capital Accounts of A and B credited by ₹ 40,000 + ₹ 25,000 in 3 : 2]
Anurag Pathak Answered question August 29, 2024
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