On 1st April, 2023 X, Y and Z started a business in partnership. X contributes ₹ 90,000 at first but withdraws ₹ 30,000 at the end of six months. Y introduces ₹ 75,000 at first and increases it to ₹ 90,000 at the end of four months, but withdraws ₹ 30,000 at the end of eight months. Z brings in ₹ 75,000 at first but increases it by ₹ 60,000 at the end of seven months.

During the year ended 31st March, 2024, they make a net profit of ₹ 42,000. Show how the partners should divided this amount on the basis of effective capital employed by each partner.

[Ans. Profit sharing ratio of X, Y and Z = 3 : 3 : 4.]

Anurag Pathak Answered question May 25, 2024
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