On 1st April, 2023, the position of Rahman was as follows:

Cash in Hand ₹ 11,200; Cash at Bank ₹ 2,57,600; Bills Receivable ₹ 68,800; Jai Ram (Dr.) ₹ 16,000; Ram Kumar (Dr.) ₹ 48,080; Office Furniture ₹ 52,800; Stock in Trade ₹ 4,16,000; Doulat Ram (Cr.) ₹ 1,74,720, Hari Ram (Cr.) ₹ 2,16,960; Bills Payable ₹ 80,000.

What was the amount of Rahman’s capital on this date? Show the Journal entry to Open his Books.

Anurag Pathak Changed status to publish September 19, 2023
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