A Petty Cashier in a firm received ₹ 15,000 as the petty cash imprest on 4th June, 2021. During the week, his expenses were as follows:
2021 June 4 Conveyance charges for Manager’s trip to the city 500
June 4 Wages to casual labourers 1,500
June 5 Bus fare to workmen sent to customer’s premises 200
June 5 Stationery purchased 1,000
June 6 Sent documents to Head Office by registered post 400
June 6 Postage stamps purchased 1,000
June 7 Repair of printer 400
June 7 Paid electricity bill 1,700
June 8 Wages paid to coolies for shifting furniture 400
June 8 Taxi fare to Assistant Manager 500
June 8 Letters by registered post sent to different supplier 1,000
June 8 Locks purchased 800
June 8 Refreshments to customers 200
Write up the Analytical Petty Cash Book and draft the necessary Journal entries for the payments made [Petty Cash Balance – ₹ 5,400.]
Anurag Pathak Changed status to publish September 21, 2023
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