From the following information supplied by Sanjay, prepare his Bank Reconciliation Statement as on 31st March, 2023:
Bank Overdraft as per Pass Book. 16,500
Cheques issued but not presented for payment 8,750
Cheques deposited with the Bank but not collected 10,500
Cheques recorded in the Cash Book but not sent to the bank for collection. 2,000
Payments received from customers directly by the bank. 3,500
Bank charges debited in the Pass Book. 200
Premium of life policy of Sanjay paid by the bank on standing advice. 1,980
Bank had debited ₹ 3,100 for payment of electricity bill. It was not recorded in Cash Book. 100
[Overdraft Balance as per Cash Book – ₹ 10,970.]
Anurag Pathak Changed status to publish September 25, 2023
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