Arun, Tarun and Varun share profits in the ratio of 2 : 2 : 1. On 31.12.2022 their Balance Sheet was as follows:
Liabilities ₹ Assets ₹
Creditors 50,000 Cash 30,000
Bills Payable 30,000 Debtors 50,000
Provident Fund 20,000 Stock 36,000
Investment Fluctuation Fund 8,000 Investments 20,000
Commission Received in Advance 12,000 Plant 90,000
Capitals: Arun Tarun Varun 50,000 60,000 30,000 Profit & Loss A/c 34,000
2,60,000 2,60,000
  On this date the firm was dissolved. Arun was appointed to realise the assets. Arun was to receive 5% commission on the sale of assets (except cash) and was to bear all expenses of realisation. Arun realised the assets as follows: Stock ₹ 36,000, Debtors ₹ 45,000, Investments 80% of the book value, Plant ₹ 65,500. Expenses of realisation amounted to ₹ 5,500. Commission received in advance was returned to the customers after deducting ₹ 4,000. Firm had to pay ₹ 8,000 for outstanding wages. This liability was not provided for in the above Balance Sheet. ₹ 20,000 had to be paid for provident fund. Prepare Realisation Account, Capital Accounts and Cash Account. [Ans. Loss on Realisation ₹ 37,625; Final Payment Arun ₹ 29,475, Tarun ₹ 31,350 and Varun ₹ 15,675; Total of Cash A/c ₹ 1,92,500.]
Anurag Pathak Answered question 5 days ago
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