From the following information, calculate Interest Coverage Ratio:
10,000 Equity Shares of ₹ 10 each ₹ 1,00,000
8% Preference Shares ₹ 70,000
10% Debentures ₹ 50,000
Long-term Loans from Bank ₹ 50,000
Interest on Long-term Loans from Bank ₹ 5,000
Net Profit after Tax ₹ 75,000
Tax ₹ 9,000
[Ans.: Interest Coverage Ratio = 9.4 Times.] [Hint: Profit before Interest and Tax is ₹ 94,000 (i.e., ₹ 75,000 + ₹ 9,000 + ₹ 5,000.]
Anurag Pathak Changed status to publish August 14, 2023
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