Journalise the following transactions in the books of Alok Enterprises:
2022 Jan 1 Alok started business by depositing cheque from his savings account 5,00,000
Jan 3 Purchased goods against cheque 50,000
Jan 6 Goods taken by proprietor for personal use costing 4,000
Jan 10 Sold goods to Komal (cost: ₹ 6,000) 9,000
Jan 14 Travelling Bill of Dev, employee 500
Jan 18 Purchased Machinery, paid by cheque 40,000
Jan 20 Cash Sales 25,000
Jan 22 Deposited Cash in Bank 20,000
Jan 25 Komal returned goods 3,000
Jan 27 Goods given as samples costing 1,000
Anurag Pathak Changed status to publish September 18, 2023
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