Category Money and Banking Money and Banking 263 Questions 7 Sub CategoriesAssertion Reason (M&B)(26)Fill in the blanks(33)Matching Type(10)MCQs (M&B)(131)Questions (M&B)(19)Statement Type(19)True or False(25) Ask question Search Order By: ActiveClear Filter 0 Votes 1 Ans Statement 1: Cryptocurrency is that form of legal tender money, which can be paid in discharge of a debt of any amount 974 viewsAnurag Pathak Changed status to publish December 15, 2023Money and BankingStatement Type 0 Votes 1 Ans Statement 1: Inter-bank deposits do not form part of money supply, as they do not belong to public 982 viewsAnurag Pathak Changed status to publish December 15, 2023Money and BankingStatement Type 0 Votes 1 Ans Statement 1: The term ‘Money’ is used to cover only coins and currency notes 1.08K viewsAnurag Pathak Changed status to publish December 15, 2023Money and BankingStatement Type 0 Votes 1 Ans Statement 1: Money supply includes money held by money-useing sector, i.e., individuals and business firms 1.01K viewsAnurag Pathak Changed status to publish December 15, 2023Assertion Reason (M&B)Money and Banking 0 Votes 1 Ans Statement 1: Barter system can work only when both buyer and seller are ready to exchange each other’s goods 874 viewsAnurag Pathak Changed status to publish December 15, 2023Money and BankingStatement Type 0 Votes 1 Ans Statement 1: Bank money is legal tender money. 912 viewsAnurag Pathak Changed status to publish December 15, 2023Money and BankingStatement Type 0 Votes 1 Ans Assertion (A): Notes and Coins are the only source of money supply in the economy 1.58K viewsAnurag Pathak Changed status to publish December 15, 2023Assertion Reason (M&B)Money and Banking 0 Votes 1 Ans Assertion (A): Bank Money is a Non-Legal Tender Money. 931 viewsAnurag Pathak Changed status to publish December 15, 2023Assertion Reason (M&B)Money and Banking 0 Votes 1 Ans Assertion (A): Demand deposits are a Non-Legal Tender Money or optional Money. 993 viewsAnurag Pathak Changed status to publish December 15, 2023Assertion Reason (M&B)Money and Banking 0 Votes 1 Ans Assertion (A): Currency held with the government and banks is not included in the Money Supply. 1.06K viewsAnurag Pathak Changed status to publish December 14, 2023Assertion Reason (M&B)Money and Banking 0 Votes 1 Ans Assertion (A): Secondary Functions of Money are also known as Derivative Functions. 1.27K viewsAnurag Pathak Changed status to publish December 14, 2023Assertion Reason (M&B)Money and Banking 0 Votes 1 Ans Assertion (A): Net Demand Deposits (and not Gross Demand Deposits) of commercial Banks are included in the money supply. 1.11K viewsAnurag Pathak Changed status to publish December 14, 2023Assertion Reason (M&B)Money and Banking 0 Votes 1 Ans Assertion (A): Money Supply is a stock concept. 929 viewsAnurag Pathak Changed status to publish December 14, 2023Assertion Reason (M&B)Money and Banking « Previous 1 2 … 9 10 11 Question and answer is powered by