Category Numericals (National Income) Numericals (National Income) 112 Questions Ask question Search Order By: ActiveClear Filter 0 Votes 1 Ans From the following data, calculate (i) Gross Domestic Product at Factor Cost and (ii) Factor Income to Abroad Gross Domestic Capital Formation ₹ 600 1.10K viewsAnurag Pathak Changed status to publish December 22, 2023National Income and related aggregatesNumericals (National Income) 0 Votes 1 Ans From the following data, Calculate (i) Gross Domestic Product at Factor Cost and (ii) Factor Income to Abroad Compensation of Employees ₹ 800 1.07K viewsAnurag Pathak Changed status to publish December 22, 2023National Income and related aggregatesNumericals (National Income) 0 Votes 1 Ans From the following data calculate (i) Gross Domestic Product at Market Price and (ii) Factor Income from Abroad Gross National Product at Factor Cost ₹ 6,150 1.67K viewsAnurag Pathak Changed status to publish December 22, 2023National Income and related aggregatesNumericals (National Income) 0 Votes 1 Ans Calculate (i) Gross Domestic Product at Market Price and (ii) Factor Income to Abroad from the following data Compensation of Employees ₹ 1,000 1.08K viewsAnurag Pathak Changed status to publish December 22, 2023National Income and related aggregatesNumericals (National Income) 0 Votes 1 Ans Calculate (i) Gross Domestic Product at Market Price and (ii) Factor Income from Abroad. From the following data Profits ₹ 500 1.16K viewsAnurag Pathak Changed status to publish December 22, 2023National Income and related aggregatesNumericals (National Income) 0 Votes 1 Ans Calculate Gross National Product at Factor Cost by (i) Income Method, and (ii) Expenditure Method, from the following data Private Final Consumption Expenditure ₹ 800 1.06K viewsAnurag Pathak Changed status to publish December 22, 2023National Income and related aggregatesNumericals (National Income) 0 Votes 1 Ans Calculate NNP at MP Closing Stock ₹ 10 Consumption of fixed Capital ₹ 40 Private final consumption expenditure ₹ 600 1.27K viewsAnurag Pathak Changed status to publish December 22, 2023National Income and related aggregatesNumericals (National Income) 0 Votes 1 Ans If GVA at MP is ₹ 7,000 Crores, Intermediate consumption is ₹ 3,000 crores and the ratio of Sales to Change in stock 4 : 1, then Sales will be: 2.49K viewsAnurag Pathak Changed status to publish December 22, 2023MCQs (National Income)Numericals (National Income) 0 Votes 1 Ans When Nominal Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is ₹ 840 Crores and price index is 120, then the Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) will be ____ 2.06K viewsAnurag Pathak Changed status to publish December 22, 2023MCQs (National Income)Numericals (National Income) 0 Votes 1 Ans If NDP at FC = ₹ 1,500 and Net Factor Income to Abroad = ₹ 500, then NNP at FC will be: 956 viewsAnurag Pathak Changed status to publish December 22, 2023MCQs (National Income)Numericals (National Income) 0 Votes 1 Ans If Nominal GNP is ₹ 1,200 and Real GNP is ₹ 500, then GNP Deflator will be 200 895 viewsAnurag Pathak Changed status to publish December 22, 2023National Income and related aggregatesNumericals (National Income) 0 Votes 1 Ans Calculate GNP at MP by Income and Expenditure Method Net Exports ₹ 15 Private final consumption expenditure ₹ 600 2.03K viewsAnurag Pathak Changed status to publish December 22, 2023National Income and related aggregatesNumericals (National Income) 0 Votes 1 Ans From the following information, compute GNP at MP, GDP at FC = ₹ 3,000; Net factor income to abroad = ₹ 200. Indirect taxes = ₹ 420; Subsidies = ₹ 240 879 viewsAnurag Pathak Changed status to publish December 22, 2023MCQs (National Income)Numericals (National Income) 0 Votes 1 Ans If in an economy, the value of net Factor Income from Abroad is ₹ 200 crores and the value of Factor Income to Abroad is ₹ 40 crores, Identify the value of Factor Income from Abroad 975 viewsAnurag Pathak Changed status to publish December 22, 2023MCQs (National Income)Numericals (National Income) 0 Votes 1 Ans Gross National Product at market prices of an economy is ₹ 65,000 Crores. The capital stock of the economy is valued at ₹ 1,20,000 crores, which depreciates at the rate of 10% per annum 1.13K viewsAnurag Pathak Changed status to publish December 21, 2023National Income and related aggregatesNumericals (National Income) 0 Votes 1 Ans Calculate Subsidies GDP at FC ₹ 55,000 Indirect Taxes ₹ 4,400 1.53K viewsAnurag Pathak Changed status to publish December 21, 2023National Income and related aggregatesNumericals (National Income) 0 Votes 1 Ans Calculate Depreciation NDP at MP ₹ 80,000 Indirect Taxes ₹ 10,600 1.71K viewsAnurag Pathak Changed status to publish December 21, 2023National Income and related aggregatesNumericals (National Income) 0 Votes 1 Ans Calculate Factor Income to abroad GNP at FC ₹ 4,280 Subsidies ₹ 80 1.53K viewsAnurag Pathak Changed status to publish December 21, 2023National Income and related aggregatesNumericals (National Income) 0 Votes 1 Ans Calculate Indirect Taxes from the following data NDP at FC ₹ 55,915 Subsidies ₹ 1,540 1.55K viewsAnurag Pathak Changed status to publish December 21, 2023National Income and related aggregatesNumericals (National Income) 0 Votes 1 Ans Calculate (a) Domestic Income; (b) National Income GDP at MP ₹ 70,150 Indirect taxes ₹ 5,200 1.31K viewsAnurag Pathak Changed status to publish December 21, 2023National Income and related aggregatesNumericals (National Income) 0 Votes 1 Ans Calculate Domestic Income GNP at FC ₹ 2,700 Indirect Taxes ₹ 60 1.33K viewsAnurag Pathak Changed status to publish December 21, 2023National Income and related aggregatesNumericals (National Income) 0 Votes 1 Ans Calculate GNP at FC NDP at MP ₹ 80,000 Net Factor income from abroad ₹ – 200 1.15K viewsAnurag Pathak Changed status to publish December 21, 2023National Income and related aggregatesNumericals (National Income) 0 Votes 1 Ans Calculate GDP at MP National Income ₹ 6,700 Consumption of fixed Capital ₹ 180 1.35K viewsAnurag Pathak Changed status to publish December 21, 2023National Income and related aggregatesNumericals (National Income) 0 Votes 1 Ans Calculate National Income or NNP at FC GDP at MP ₹ 4,800 Indirect taxes ₹ 300 1.08K viewsAnurag Pathak Changed status to publish December 21, 2023National Income and related aggregatesNumericals (National Income) 0 Votes 1 Ans Calculate the Domestic Income Gross national product at market price ₹ 58,350 Indirect tax ₹ 2,590 1.18K viewsAnurag Pathak Changed status to publish December 21, 2023National Income and related aggregatesNumericals (National Income) 1 2 3 4 5 Next » Question and answer is powered by