A Trial Balance disclosed a difference of ₹ 417 placed on the credit side of the Suspense Account. Later on the following errors were located:

(i) Goods worth ₹ 200 purchased from Sohan had been posted to his account as ₹ 250.

(ii) A purchase of furniture for ₹ 500 was recorded in the Purchases Book.

(iii) Instead of crediting Gian’s Account with ₹ 512, it was debited with ₹ 215.

(iv) Goods worth ₹ 130 returned by Gian were entered in the Sales Book and posted therefrom to the credit of Gian’s Personal Account.

Pass the rectifying entries and prepare a Suspense Account.

Anurag Pathak Changed status to publish October 1, 2023
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