Pass rectifying Journal entries:

(i) Cheque of ₹ 25,000 paid to K. Raj was debited to P. Raj’s Account.

(ii) ₹ 5,000 paid for freight on machinery purchased was debited to the Freight Account as ₹ 500.

(iii) The Returns Inward Book has been wrongly overcast by ₹ 500.

(iv) An amount of ₹ 500 due from Ramesh which had been written off as bad debt in previous year was recovered and had been posted to the Personal Account of Ramesh.

(v) A sum of ₹ 460 owed by Hari had not been included in the list of debtors.

(vi) Discount of ₹ 500 allowed by Kapil, a creditor, has not been recorded in the Books of account.

Anurag Pathak Changed status to publish October 26, 2023
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