Classify the following as Stock and Flow

(i) Amount of bank deposits as on 31.03.2022

(ii) Losses

(iii) Production of wheat during during the year 2020-21

(iv) Profit

(v) Population of India as on 31st March, 2021

(vi) Number of literate people as on 31.03.2022.

(vii) Savings

(viii) National Income of Indian Economy during the financial year 2020-21

(ix) Capital

(x) Number of persons employed during December

(xi) Balance in Bank Statement

(xii) Raw material in a godown as on 31st January, 2023

(xiii) Production

(xiv) Wealth

(xv) Gross domestic product

(xvi) Domestic Income of Indian Economy during the fiscal year 2020 – 21.

(xvii) Value of inventories as on 31st March, 2021

(xviii) Net Investments during the year 2020 – 21


Anurag Pathak Changed status to publish November 16, 2023
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