Show the Accounting Equation on the basis of the following and present a balance sheet on the last new equation balances: Manu started business with cash 50,000
(I) Manu started business with cash 50,000
(ii) Bought furniture for 500
(iii) Purchased goods on credit 4,000
(iv) Sold goods on cash (cost ₹ 500) for 700
(v) Received Rent 200
(vi) Purchased goods for cash 1,000
(vii) withdrew for personal use 700
(viii) Paid to Creditors 400
(ix) Paid for salaries 200
[Ans. Assets : Cash ₹ 48,100 + Furniture ₹ 500 + Stock ₹ 4,500 = Liabilities: Creditors ₹ 3,600 + Capital ₹ 49,500; Balance Sheet Total ₹ 53,100.]
Anurag Pathak Answered question June 5, 2024
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