Prashad keeps his books on Single Entry System, and from them and the particulars, supplied, the following figures were gathered on 31st March, 2023:

Book Debts ₹ 10,000; Cash in Hand ₹ 510; Stock-in-Trade (Estimated) ₹ 6,000; Furniture and Fittings ₹ 1,200; Trade Creditors ₹ 4,000; Bank Overdraft ₹ 1,000.

Prashad started business on 1st April, 2022 with Cash ₹ 6,000 paid into bank but stocks valued at ₹ 4,000.

During the year, he estimated his drawings to be ₹ 2,400. You are required to prepare the statement, showing profit/loss for the year, after writing off 10% for depreciation on furniture and fittings.

Anurag Pathak Changed status to publish October 28, 2023
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