Prepare Accounting Equation from the following.  Sandeep started business with Cash 1,00,000
1 Sandeep started business with Cash 1,00,000
2 Purchased furniture for cash 5,000
3 Purchased goods for cash 20,000
4 Purchased goods on credit 36,000
5 Paid for rent 700
6 Goods costing ₹ 40,000 sold at a profit of 20% for cash 700
[Ans. Assets: Cash ₹ 1,22,300 + Furniture ₹ 5,000 + Stock ₹ 16,000 = Liabilities: Creditors ₹ 36,000 + Capital ₹ 1,07,300.]
Anurag Pathak Answered question June 5, 2024
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