The following was the Balance Sheet of Arun, Bablu and Chetan sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 6/14 : 5/14 : 3/14 respectively.

Liabilities ₹ Assets ₹

Capital Accounts:







Land and Buildings 24,000
Creditors 9,000 Furniture 3,500
Bills Payable 3,000 Stock 14,000
    Debtors 12,600
    Cash 900
  55,000   55,000

They agreed to take Deepak into partnership and give him a share of 1/8 on the following terms: a) that Deepak should bring in Rs. 4,200 as goodwill and Rs. 7,000 as his Capital; (b) that furniture be depreciated by 12%; (c) that stock be depreciated by 10% (d) that a Reserve of 5% be created for doubtful debts: (e) that the value of land and buildings having appreciated be brought upto Rs. 31,000 ; (f) that after making the adjustments the capital accounts of the old partners who continue to share in the same proportion as before be adjusted on the basis of the proportion of Deepak’s capital to his share in the business, i.e., actual cash to be paid off to, or brought in by the old partners as the case may be. Prepare Cash Account, Profit and Loss Adjustment Account (Revaluation Account) and the Opening Balance Sheet of the new firm. [Ans : Gain on Revaluation Rs. 4,550, Balance Sheet Total Rs. 68,000)

Anurag Pathak Changed status to publish August 11, 2024
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