X and Y are partners in a firm. They share profits and losses in the ratio of 2 : 1. Their Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 2023 stood as under:
Liabilities ₹ Assets ₹
Capitals: X Y 1,40,000 1,00,000 Plant and Machinery 1,75,000
Workmen Compensation Reserve 40,000 Furniture and Fixtures 65,000
Creditors 1,50,000 Stock 35,000
Bills Payable 10,000 Bills Receivable 12,000
Debtors 1,10,000 Less: PDD 7,000 1,03,000
Cash & Bank Balance 50,000
4,40,000 4,40,000
Z is admitted in the partnership. X surrenders 2/5th of his share and Y surrenders 1/5th of his share in favour of Z. The following information is given about the firm: (i) Plant and Machinery be reduced by ₹ 35,000 and furniture and fixture be reduced to ₹ 58,500. (ii) Provision for bad and doubtful debts is to be increased by ₹ 3,000. (iii) Actual liability for workmen compensation claim is ₹ 16,000. (iv) A liability of ₹ 2,500 included in creditors is not likely to arise. (v) Z’s share of goodwill is valued at ₹ 40,000 but he is unable to bring it in cash. (vi) Z is to bring in Capital proportionate to his share after all adjustments. Prepare Revaluation Account, Capital Accounts and Balance Sheet after Z’s admission. Also calculate the new profit sharing ratio. [Ans. Loss on Revaluation ₹ 42,000; Capital Accounts : X ₹ 1,60,000; Y ₹ 1,02,00 and Z ₹ 1,31,000; Cash & Bank Balance ₹ 1,81,000; Z’s Current A/c (Dr.) ₹ 40,000; Balance Sheet Total ₹ 5,66,500; Sacrificing Ratio 4 : 1; New Ratio 6 : 4 : 5.]
Anurag Pathak Answered question September 4, 2024
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