From the following data relating to an economy, calculate (a) National income using Expenditure Method; (b) National income using Income Method.

Particulars ₹ in Crores
(i) Government Final Consumption Expenditure 5,100
(ii) Gross fixed capital formation 9,029
(iii) Export of goods and services 2,800
(iv) Net Compensation of employees from abroad (-) 9
(v) Net property and entrepreneurial income from rest of the world (-) 316
(vi) Change in Stock 2,323
(vii) Consumption of fixed capital 3,023
(viii) Private final consumption expenditure 42,865
(ix) Import of goods and services 3,177
(x) Net indirect taxes 5,168
(xi) Compensation of employees 17,818
(xii) Operating Surplus 6,890
(xiii) Mixed income of the self-employed 26,041
Anurag Pathak Changed status to publish December 21, 2023
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