Estimate the missing values (?), if the value of Gross Domestic Product at factor cost (GDP at FC) by Expenditure Method and Income Method is ₹ 920 Crore:

Particulars ₹ Crores
(i) Consumption of Fixed Capital 170
(ii) Change in Stock 140
(iii) Mixed Income of self-employed 180
(iv) Operating Surplus ?
(v) Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation 140
(vi) Government Final Consumption Expenditure ?
(vii) Net Exports (-) 50
(viii) Net Indirect Taxes 60
(ix) Private Final Consumption Expenditure 470
(x) Compensation of Employees 375
(xi) Employer’s Contribution to Social Security Schemes 150


Operating Surplus = ₹ 195 Crore; Government Final Consumption Expenditure = ₹ 280 Crore

Anurag Pathak Changed status to publish December 21, 2023
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