Home Depot Ltd. issued 20,000 Equity Shares of ₹ 10 each at par payable: on application ₹ 2 per share; on allotment ₹ 3 per share; on first call ₹ 3 per share and on final call ₹ 2 per share.

Mahesh was allotted 100 shares. Give necessary Journal entry relating to the forfeiture of shares in each of the following alternative cases:

Case 1: If Mahesh failed to pay the allotment money and his share were forfeited.

Case 2: if Mahesh failed to pay the allotment money and on his subsequent failure to pay the first call, his shares were forfeited.

Case 3: If Mahesh failed to pay the first call and on his subsequent failure to pay the final call, his shares were forfeited.

Anurag Pathak Changed status to publish March 10, 2024
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