You are given following information about four producers A, B, C and D in an economy. A sells ₹ 300 worth of his output to B, ₹ 200 worth of his output to C and ₹ 500 worth of output to households. The sales of B to A, C and D are worth ₹ 400, ₹ 200 and ₹ 300 respectively. C sells to A, B and D output worth ₹ 100 each. Sales by C to households are worth ₹ 900. D sells to households output worth ₹ 700. His exports are wroth ₹ 300 while stock worth ₹ 200 remains unsold with D. Estimate the value added by.

(i) A, B, C and D separately.

(ii) All of them together.


(i) Value added: Firm A = ₹ 500; Firm B – ₹ 500; Firm C = ₹ 800; Firm B = ₹ 800; (ii) ₹ 2,600

Anurag Pathak Changed status to publish December 21, 2023
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