Calculate National Income by Income Method and Production Method.

Particulars ₹ in crores
(i) Value of output of primary sector 300
(ii) Value of output of Secondary Sector 200
(iii) Value of output of tertiary Sector 100
(iv) Intermediate consumption of primary sector 100
(v) Intermediate consumption of secondary sector 50
(vi) Intermediate consumption of tertiary sector 50
(vii) Emoluments of employees 150
(viii) Net factor income from abroad – 10
(ix) Operating Surplus 140
(x) Consumption of fixed capital 40
(xi) Net indirect tax 20
(xii) Interest 20
(xiii) Mixed Income 50
(xiv) Rent 10

Ans:-  National Income = ₹ 330 Crores

Anurag Pathak Changed status to publish December 21, 2023
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